


Story of ordinary passion. When you can’t do without the search.


I spent my childhood and adolescence between books and white coats. Medicine was a permanent guest in our house in Rome, crowded with children, pupils, students, discussions and comparisons. Obviously, live with a father, famous professor, was not easy. The household presence of a luminary, however, has decisively contributed to set up my values, inciting me to imitate him and, at the same time, to distinguish myself from him, but anytime according his high moral lesson.

Thus, unique among five sisters, I decided that medicine and research would have been my field of action. In contrary motion and with a bit of ambition, I threw myself headlong in the studies, achieving very positive results for most people, but always judged just sufficient by the family. It’s a classic example. Therefore, I got graduation with full marks, specialization, and a long period working in Paris, with the pleasant feeling of being anonimous, at the laboratory of "Biochimie Genetique" at the “Hopital Cochin”.

Congresso: Intelligenza Artificiale in Epatologia

 3 Maggio 2024-  L'Aquila


Il Congresso ha avuto luogo venerdì 3 Maggio 2024 nell’aula magna Alessandro Clementi della facoltà di Scienze Umane, a L’Aquila, alla presenza del presidente del Congresso, la Prof.ssa Clara Balsano, docente ordinario di medicina interna presso il Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica, Sanità Pubblica, Scienze della Vita e dell’Ambiente, e Direttore Scuola di Specializzazione in Medicina d’Emergenza – Urgenza e oltre venti relatori, tra specialisti e docenti universitari di fama nazionale. Hanno presenziato inoltre l’assessore regionale alla sanità, Nicoletta Verì, il direttore sanitario della Asl1, Alfonso Mascitelli, e il rettore dell’Università dell’Aquila Edoardo Alesse.

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